Towards a Framework for Validating XR Prototyping for Performance Evaluations of Simulated User Experiences

Extended Reality (XR) technology has matured in recent years, leading to increased use of XR simulations for prototyping novel human-centered interfaces, approximating advanced display hardware, or exploring future user experiences, before realising them in real-world scenarios. However, the validity of utilizing XR prototyping (XRP) as a method for gathering performance data on novel user experiences is still underexplored, i.e, it is not clear if results gathered in simulations can be transferred to a real experience. To address this gap, we propose a validation framework that supports establishing equivalence of performance measures gathered with real products and simulated products and, thus, improve ecological validity of XRP. To demonstrate the utility of the framework, we conduct an exemplary validation study using a Varjo XR-3, a state-of-the-art XR head-mounted display (HMD). The study focuses on steering a small drone and comparing it to interactions with its real-world counterpart. We identify functional fidelity, i.e., functional similarity between real and simulated product, as well as simulation overhead from wearing an HMD as major confounding factors for XRP.
Jan Hendrik Plümer, Markus Tatzgern
IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR)
Year of Publication
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