Making it easier for the deaf to communicate on the Internet: This is the aim of the "SmartSignCapture" research project at the MultiMediaTechnology course. For many of the 8,000 deaf people in Austria, reading and writing is a challenge. Online communication therefore often uses sign language videos. The disadvantage is that content cannot be changed after recording. In addition, production is time-consuming, videos need actors and cannot be made anonymous. In the SmartSignCapture research project, a system was developed that enables sign language to be transferred anonymously and as intuitively as possible to an avatar via a 3D editor on a personal mobile device.
SmartSignCapture - Sign Language on the Internet

Project Description
Additional Information
Project website:
Duration: January-December 2015
Sponsor: Netidee, Internet Foundation Austria (IPA)
Project Management: DI Dr. Arthur Schuchter / Martin Tiefengrabner BA, MSc
Team: Radomir Dinic BSc / Gregor Kirchhofer / Mag. Bianca Petscher MAS
Project Partners