The VR Physiology Laboratory is a transdisciplinary research and transfer center, which is characterized by the combination of expertise from medicine and health science as well as from information and communication technology (ICT). By bundling the competences of the Institute for Ecomedicine of the Paracelsus Medical Private University (PMU) and the MultiMediaTechnology course of studies of the University of Applied Sciences Salzburg, a critical mass of research and knowledge transfer competence in the field of modern ICT solutions in relation to the measurement of health outcomes and their use in product and service development is to be created. To this end, the cooperative "Ecomedicine Virtual Reality Physiology Lab" for the medical-scientific and technological development and testing of methods in the field of the effect of products and services on human health and well-being is to be established. The key ICT technology "Virtual Reality", which among other things makes it possible to realistically simulate innovative products and services at an early stage of development, will be researched in various scenarios and thus create the basis for targeted knowledge exploitation. This will be investigated on the basis of two specific application cases: 1.) Evidence-based Design - Healthy Building and 2.) Indication-specific exergames with focus on COPD. Targeted measures in technology and knowledge transfer should enable SMEs in particular to gain access to R&D and innovation knowledge on the basis of solid basic research and thus form a foundation for new fields of innovation in the regional economic system.
Ecomedicine Virtual Reality Physiology Laboratory

Project Description
Additional Information
Sponsor: Federal State of Salzburg
Duration: January 2018 - December 2021
Project Management: Univ.-Doz. Dr. Arnulf Hartl (PMU), FH-Prof. DI Dr. Markus Tatzgern (FH Salzburg)
Partner: Land Salzburg, Wissenschafts- und Innovationsstrategie Salzburg 2025 (WISS 2025)
Project Partners